Original PDF Ebook – Stress Fractures in Athletes2nd EditionDiagnosis and Management – 9783030469184
Now completely revised and expanded, this second edition not only includes updated chapters detailing treatment of the most common and troublesome sites for stress fractures, but also more recent research regarding risk factors for the development of stress fractures. As in the original edition, general principles of evaluation, healing considerations and management strategies are discussed in three thematic sections. However, unlike the previous text, this edition will focus on a holistic approach to the treatment of these increasingly common injuries with new chapters on nutritional optimization of athletes at risk for stress fractures, systemic treatment strategies for healing including vitamin D supplementation and parathyroid hormone stimulation, and surgical and injectable biologic treatment modalities for enhanced bone healing. This edition will also include guidelines for on-the-field and training room management of stress fractures for team physicians. This revision is timely, given the increasing rate and severity of bony stress injuries encountered in elite and professional athletes related to single-sport specialization and the increased popularity of endurance sports such as cross-fit, obstacle course racing, and ultramarathon competitions. It will be an ideal resource for sports medicine practitioners including orthopedic surgeons, primary care sports medicine specialists, athletic trainers, and physical therapists.
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