Original PDF Ebook – Social Studies for the Preschool/Primary Child (Pearson+)9th Edition – 9780132867986


Author (s): Carol Seefeldt;Sharon Castle;Renee Falconer
Publisher: Pearson+ Print
ISBN: 9780132867986 0132867982
Edition: 9th
Copyright: 2014

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Original PDF Ebook – Social Studies for the Preschool/Primary Child (Pearson+)9th Edition – 9780132867986

This title is available via Pearson+ and includes an eTextbook with audio on most titles. Pearson+ also offers expert videos, notes, and flashcards so you can learn anyway you like. Social Studies for the Preschool/Primary Child, 9/e, written by respected authors Sharon Castle and Renee C. Falconer, and begun by the late Carol Seefeldt, remains one of the most popularly read texts on teaching social studies to young children. Filled with a multitude of ideas, suggestions, and activities that prospective early childhood teachers can use to interest young children in social studies, the practicality and applicability of this resource is proven. Not only will novice teachers learn the content and methods of teaching social studies, but also they will be given sound ways to integrate social studies in other areas of the curriculum, including science, the arts, literacy and literature, and mathematics. The importance of understanding and using child development knowledge is a focus throughout the book. It includes a full chapter on play as a crucial part of children’s learning and development, and incorporates ideas for play throughout the material.Revised with the most current research, topics, and more, the book includes three extensively revised chapters to offer all of the 10 NCSS Thematic Strands; a new emphasis on the use of such technology as e-mail, digital cameras, and the World Wide Web; and thoroughly incorporates the current NAEYC standards for quality, curriculum, and professional preparation.


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