Original PDF Ebook – Sequence for Academic Writing, A (Pearson+)7th Edition – 9780134398501
Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom._x000D_For courses in First-Year Composition: Rhetoric, Writing Across the Curriculum or Writing in the Disciplines._x000D_
A brief rhetoric on essential academic writing strategies: summary, synthesis, analysis and critique._x000D_
A Sequence for Academic Writing presents the reading and writing strategies needed to interpret and incorporate source material into papers. The text builds off the rhetoric portion of the best-selling Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum employing readings from a range of disciplines for use apart from any additional reading content. Exemplary models of student papers and ample practice with strategies and skills are provided throughout._x000D_
The 7th Edition freshens examples and clarifies and expands instruction, making this renowned intro to source-based writing even more accessible.
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