Original PDF Ebook – Group Processes3rd EditionDynamics within and Between Groups – 9781118719299


Author (s): Rupert Brown; Samuel Pehrson
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Print
ISBN: 9781118719299 1118719298
Edition: 3rd
Copyright: 2020

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Original PDF Ebook – Group Processes3rd EditionDynamics within and Between Groups – 9781118719299

The new edition of the classic text on group dynamics theory and research–extensively revised, expanded, and updated_x000D_
Offering a critical appraisal of theory and research on groups, Group Processes: Dynamics with and Between Groups is one of the most respected texts in the field. This comprehensive volume covers all the essential dynamics of group processes and intergroup relations, ranging from group formation, norms, social influence and leadership to group aggression, prejudice, solidarity, intergroup contact and collective action. Contemporary examples and plentiful charts, graphs, and illustrations complement discussions of the latest themes and current controversies in group psychology. _x000D_
Now in its third edition, this book has been thoroughly revised with a significant amount of new and updated content. New topics include the contribution of groups to health and wellbeing, group-based emotions, hierarchy and oppression, intergroup helping and solidarity, acculturation and reconciliation. Sections on social influence, crowd behavior, leadership, prejudice, collective action and intergroup contact have been comprehensively revised and updated to reflect two decades of development in these fields. Three inter-linked themes–social identity, social context, and social action–illustrate the influence of groups on self and self-worth, the meaning and consequences of membership in groups, and how groups can be vehicles for members to achieve change in their environments. A key text in the field for over thirty years, Group Processes: _x000D_
Offers broad, balanced coverage of group processes, including in-depth examination of intergroup relations_x000D_
Incorporates theoretical themes inspired by the social identity perspective_x000D_
Includes topical examples drawn from the world of politics, popular culture, and sports_x000D_
Provides up-to-date content on major new developments in the field_x000D_
Integrates modern theory, current research, and classic sources_x000D_
Group Processes: Dynamics with and Between Groups, 3rd Edition is ideal for core reading in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in social psychology, particularly in modules dedicated to group processes and intergroup relations.


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