Original PDF Ebook – From Engineer to Manager: Mastering the Transition2nd Edition -9781630815431


Author (s): B. Michael Aucoin
Publisher: Artech House Print
ISBN: 9781630815431 1630815438
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: 2018

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Original PDF Ebook – From Engineer to Manager: Mastering the Transition2nd Edition -9781630815431

Providing clear, expert guidance to help engineers make a smooth transition to the management team, this a newly revised and updated edition of an Artech House bestseller belongs on every engineer’s reference shelf. The author’s 30-plus year perspective indicates that, while most engineers will spend the majority of their careers as managers, most are dissatisfied with the transition. Much of this frustration is the result of lack of preparation and training. This book provides a solid grounding in the critical attitudes and principles needed for success. The greatly expanded Second Edition adds critical new discussions on the development of healthy teams, meeting management, delegating, decision making, and personal branding. New managers are taught to internalize the attitudes and master the associated skills to excel in, and be satisfied with the transition to management. The book explains how to communicate more effectively and improve relationships with colleagues. Professionals learn how to use their newly acquired skills to solve immediate problems. Moreover, they are shown how to apply six fundamental principles to their on-going work with engineering teams and management. Supplemental material, such as templates, exercises, and worksheets are available at no additional cost at ArtechHouse.com.


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