Original PDF Ebook – Evaluating Research in Communication Disorders (Pearson+)8th Edition – 9780135228524
Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom._x000D_For research methods courses (communication sciences and disorders / audiology research)._x000D_
A current, comprehensive, carefully organized guide to analyzing research articles_x000D_
Evaluating Research in Communication Disorders uses the structure of a research article as a guide. The text addresses the critical evaluation of each section of a research article. The author provides abundant illustrative excerpts from research literature along the way. After addressing the critical evaluation of each section of a research article, students learn ways to employ evidence-based practice._x000D_
The 8th Edition is updated and expanded to reflect the most recent trends in research and evidence-based practice.
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