Original PDF Ebook – CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 201816th Edition – 9781260031065
Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Guidelines and recommendations for the most common outpatient conditions – from sources you can trust! •The most current disease screening, prevention, and management recommendations at your fingertips •Consolidates information from nationally recognized government agencies, medical and scientific organizations, and expert panels into concise, easy-to-apply guidelines •Covers primary care topics in both the ambulatory and hospital settings •Carefully selected for relevance to everyday practice •The perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity – exactly the amount of information a busy clinician needs – no more, no less •Spans all areas of general medicine •Website addresses for U.S. government agencies and professional societies •Updated evidence-based content
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