Original PDF Ebook – Pastimes: The Context of Contemporary Leisure7th Edition – 9781571679710
More than a textbook, Pastimes is very much a point of view. Leisure is presented as a human phenomenon – both individual and collective. It is considered as vital and frivolous, historical and contemporary, factual and subjective, good and bad. Again, this new 7th edition reflects a wide range of material from the disciplines of leisure studies, sociology, psychology, economics, political science, history, anthropology, geography, the humanities, and media and cultural studies. Full of updated research and field-based examples in every chapter, this 7th edition also contains new photos and boxed material. Significant added features include separate chapters devoted to the humanities of leisure (theatre is added) and leisure history (more cultures and eras). Also, the chapter on theories of leisure has been expanded to include political science-based theories. The technology chapter is completely updated, and the chapter on leisure and equity now includes a discussion of immigrants.
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