Original PDF Ebook – Services Marketing9th EditionPeople, Technology, Strategy – 9781944659790
Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy is the ninth edition of the globally leading textbook for Services Marketing by Jochen Wirtz and Christopher Lovelock, extensively updated to feature the latest academic research, industry trends, and technology, social media, and case examples.This book takes on a strong managerial approach presented through a coherent and progressive pedagogical framework rooted in solid academic research. It features cases and examples from all over the world and is suitable for students who want to gain a wider managerial view.Supplementary Material Resources:Resources are available to instructors who adopt this textbook for their courses. These include: (1) Instructor’s Manual, (2) Case Teaching Notes, (3) PowerPoint deck, and (4) Test Bank. Please contact [email protected] Features:Contents:_x000D_About the Authors_x000D_
Understanding Service Products, Markets, and Customers:_x000D_
Creating Value in the Service Economy_x000D_
Understanding Service Consumers_x000D_
Positioning Services in Competitive Markets_x000D_
Applying the 4 Ps of Marketing to Services:_x000D_
Developing Service Products and Brands_x000D_
Distributing Services Through Physical and Electronic Channels_x000D_
Service Pricing and Revenue Management_x000D_
Service Marketing Communications_x000D_
Managing the Customer Interface:_x000D_
Designing Service Processes_x000D_
Balancing Demand and Capacity_x000D_
Crafting the Service Environment_x000D_
Managing People for Service Advantage_x000D_
Services Marketing;Service Operations;Marketing;Consumer Behavior;Positioning Services;Service Process;Pricing;Revenue Management;Service Environment;Service Advantage;Customer Relationships;Customer Loyalty;Complaint Handling;Service Recovery;Service Excellence;Service Quality;Service Productivity;Service Leadership’It is a superbly researched and comprehensive work, witnessed by the extraordinary list of acknowledgements of contributions by global colleagues. It presents a well-developed managerial and global perspective, organization and inclusive content that makes it the exemplar among services marketing texts that should well serve both professional and advanced academic needs. It is the premier services marketing source for university marketing faculty, advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and marketing professionals.’ – Professor Emeritus Merlin SimpsonPacific Lutheran University
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