Original PDF Ebook – Signals and Systems2nd Edition – 9783030757410


Author (s): S. Palani
Publisher: Springer Print
ISBN: 9783030757410 3030757412
Edition: 2nd
Copyright: 2022

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Original PDF Ebook – Signals and Systems2nd Edition – 9783030757410

The book is designed to serve as a textbook for courses offered to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Electrical Engineering. The first edition of this book was published in 2014. As there is a demand for the next edition, it is quite natural to take note of the several advances that have occurred in the subject over the past five years. This is the prime motivation for bringing out a revised second edition with a thorough revision of all the chapters. The book presents a clear and comprehensive introduction to signals and systems. For easier comprehension, the course contents of all the chapters are in sequential order. Analysis of continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems are done separately for easy understanding of the subjects. The chapters contain over seven hundred numerical examples to understand various theoretical concepts. This textbook also includes numerical examples that were appeared in recent examinations and presented in a graded manner. The topics such as the representation of signals, convolution, Fourier Series and Fourier Transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform, and state-space analysis are explained with a large number of numerical examples in the book. The detailed coverage and pedagogical tools make this an ideal textbook for students and researchers enrolled in electrical engineering and related courses.


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