Original PDF Ebook – Selecting Effective Treatments: A Comprehensive, Systematic Guide to Treating Mental Disorders5th Edition – 9781118791356


Author (s): Lourie W. Reichenberg, Linda Seligman
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons P&T Print
ISBN: 9781118791356 1118791355
Edition: 5th
Copyright: 2016

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Original PDF Ebook – Selecting Effective Treatments: A Comprehensive, Systematic Guide to Treating Mental Disorders5th Edition – 9781118791356

Selecting Effective Treatments, Fifth Edition seeks to increase clinicians understanding of the symptoms and dynamics of mental disorders and to provide a range of treatment options for each disorder, allowing clinicians to blend their own therapeutic strengths and preferences with those approaches that have demonstrated effectiveness. This book synthesizes the latest empirical research and provides readers with the background they need to be able to develop their own treatment plans for their clients that are not only evidence-based and practical. This book introduces readers to the DO A CLIENT MAP format that is used throughout the book. The Client Map is a comprehensive model of treatment planning, which can be adapted to any diagnosis. The DO A CLIENT MAP framework is explained in chapter 1 and the remaining chapters cover the major mental disorders and emerging trends. The mental disorders chapters follow the same easy-to-follow organization: A description of the disorder An overview of the characteristics that typify people with that disorder A review of assessment tools available for the disorder An overview of the qualities of style and personality that typify clinicians likely to be successful in treating the disorder A review of the research on effective treatment of the disorder Information on the prognosis for the disorder The content and chapter organization will evolve based on the changes to the DSM-5.


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