Original PDF Ebook – Introduction to Quantum Field Theory – 9781108493994


Author (s): Horatiu Nastase
Publisher: Cambridge University Press Print
ISBN: 9781108493994 1108493998
Edition: N/A
Copyright: N/A

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Original PDF Ebook – Introduction to Quantum Field Theory – 9781108493994

Quantum Field Theory provides a theoretical framework for understanding fields and the particles associated with them, and is the basis of particle physics and condensed matter research. This graduate level textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to quantum field theory, giving equal emphasis to operator and path integral formalisms. It covers modern research such as helicity spinors, BCFW construction and generalized unitarity cuts; as well as treating advanced topics including BRST quantization, loop equations, and finite temperature field theory. Various quantum fields are described, including scalar and fermionic fields, Abelian vector fields and Quantum ElectroDynamics (QED), and finally non-Abelian vector fields and Quantum ChromoDynamics (QCD). Applications to scattering cross sections in QED and QCD are also described. Each chapter ends with exercises and an important concepts section, allowing students to identify the key aspects of the chapter and test their understanding.


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