Original PDF Ebook – Organizational Behavior in Education: Leadership and Social Reform (Pearson+)12th Edition – 9780135809181
Pearson+ gives you access to much more than your eTextbook. Most titles also include audiobooks, study notes, flashcards and more to help you thrive in the classroom._x000D_For courses in organizational behavior in education (educational administration & leadership)._x000D_
An authoritative, timely look at organizational behavior and how leaders can create more effective school cultures_x000D_
Organizational Behavior in Education offers future and current practitioners the most up-to-date thinking. It explores leadership as it relates to decision making, organizational change and managing conflict. Readers are encouraged to use this knowledge to develop their own theory of practice._x000D_
The 12th Edition features updated research and recent developments in the field. This includes the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium and more.
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