Original PDF Ebook – The Aristotelian Ethics2nd EditionA Study of the Relationship between the Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle – 9780198790938
Sir Anthony Kenny presents a second edition of his landmark work The Aristotelian Ethics, which transformed Aristotle studies in 1978 by showing, on stylistic, historical, and philosophical grounds, that the Eudemian Ethics was a mature work with as strong a claim to be Aristotle’s ethical masterpiece as the more widely studied Nicomachean Ethics. In this new edition Kenny offers a critical survey of developments in the field since The Aristotelian Ethics was first published. Kenny also addresses the criticisms of his first edition, both accepting those he sees as justified and addressing and refuting those which he feels are unfounded. The book remains essential reading for anyone interested in Aristotle’s ethical works, arguably the most influential ever written.
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