Original PDF Ebook – Core Principles of Group Psychotherapy1st EditionAn Integrated Theory, Research, and Practice Training Manual – 9780367203092
Core Principles of Group Psychotherapy is designed as the primary curriculum for the Principles of Group Psychotherapy course in partial fulfilment of the Certified Group Psychotherapist credential awarded by the International Board for Certification of Group Psychotherapists. The text is divided into five modules: foundations, structure and dynamics, formation and development, leadership tasks and skills, and ethics, neuroscience, and personal style. The book is part of the AGPA Group Therapy Training and Practice series. This series aims to produce the highest quality publications to aid the practitioner and student in updating and improving their knowledge, professional competence, and skills with current and new developments in methods, practice, theory, and research, in the group psychotherapy field. In addition to helping group psychotherapists bolster their skills so as to ensure the availability of quality mental health services, this guide is an essential resource for students and clinicians interested in learning more about group psychotherapy, as a text in academic courses, or as part of a practicum or internship training curriculum.
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